The BlackBerryGuy has gone out and done the unthinkable with his BlackBerry OtterBox. He has pitted the case against everything from elevator doors to turning his Berry into a skipping stone. The YouTube videos are a must see if you are into this kind of device torture. Its lucky for the BBguy that there are no BlackBerry right activists
It seems that the UPS truck finally finished off the OtterBox but that is pretty impressive nonetheless. I am surprised OtterBox did not think of this themselves. Check out the videos at the following links for some pure entertainment:
8703 BB Vs UPS Truck
YouTube – BB 8703 VS UPS Delivery TruckBB Vs Hummer H3
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 Vs Hummer H3
BB Vs Nissan Frontier-At 15mph
YouTube – BB 8703 Vs 4278lb Nissan Frontier…At 15mph
BB Vs Nissan Frontier
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 Vs 4278lb Nissan Frontier
BB Vs 30lb Steel Door
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 Vs A 30lb Steel Door
BB Vs Mud Puddle
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 Vs A Mud Puddle
BB Vs Elevator Door
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 VS An Elevator Door
YouTube – BlackBerry 8703 Basketball
BlackBerry “Skipping Stones”
YouTube – BlackBerry Skipping Stones
“Berry Toss”
YouTube – BlackBerry Toss