Free Speedometer For Your BlackBerry 8800 GPS – By Adapta-Solutions

adaptspeedometerapplication.JPGJosep at MiBlackBerry has uncovered another great BlackBerry Freeware application. This free application by Adapta Solutions allows you to use to GPS BlackBerry to display speed, distance, and time on your BlackBerry 8800 series device. You can set low and high levels so that you can pace your workout with a steady rhythm.

Check out the application page here:

OTA link:

DM Link: Download

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Has any one got this to work successfully on an 8800?
    All I can see is the home screen and nothing else appears to work.

  2. I have downloaded and re-downloaded this app several differant times to my 8330 and both .zip and OTA and like andy said nothing buthappens but the data arrows pop up for a second and that’s all

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