Brandon Swift has made the process of getting JAR games on your BlackBerry easier and more reliable with JAR 2 ALX. He has released a FREE new desktop application that converts JAR files to a nice and easy to use ALX file so that you no longer need to use batch files and text editors to get JAVA games on your BlackBerry. This JAR to ALX converter is actually quite useful since editing the files by hand was tedious business and most times did not work in the end due to incompatibility or human error. The only requirement is that you need to install the free BlackBerry JDE for this program to work. I would post a link to it but it changes with every version so just Google it. Go to Brandons website if you are interested in the program. He has kindly asked for a donation if you feel like supporting his application.
emran Not Registered
Posted: June 21, 2009 at 2:16 PM EST
please send me converter jar &jad file to converter alx no game to play so plz thank ful to u