Review: Magmic releases Worms 2007 for Blackberry

worms1.pngMagmic Worms 2007 for Blackberry
Rating 5/10
Cost $7.95 (CAN)

Well I was hoping for this day for a long time and it has finally come. Worms for Blackberry has been released to the wild. So far I only see the download on their mobile site when you go to from your blackberry. There seems to be no trial which is a shame for such a good game. The price is ~$7 but that all depends on the exchange rate you get for canadian dollars from your credit card company.

Now about the game:


  • Classic Worms gaming
  • Choice of weapons
  • Decent support of the 8800 trackwheel
  • Sound effects 🙂
  • Multiplayer (Local)


  • All controls are handled through the trackwheel with no shortcuts
  • There is no button to jump. You have to go to the weapons menu and then click jump.
  • Use of rope is extremely difficult due to clumsy controls
  • No online multiplayer
  • Takes awhile to load (It has 3 load screens until you get to the menu and another one until you play)
  • Does not make use of the keyboard keys at all

All in all if you are a nostalgic worms player like me you will have to purchase this game but for the casual player you will find it will be a painful worms experience.


1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I love worms, but I agree that for the casual player this would be a very painful experience. Still, it gives me hope that the next mobile worms relaese will take advantage of the keyboard and higher processor speeds.

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