
Uber Iris Adds Effects & Filters to Your PlayBook Photos

  Dan tipped me off to this XLabz latest PlayBook app called Uber Iris. The new app makes it easy to apply effects and filters to your photos directly from your PlayBook. You can then post them up on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. The UI is one of the better parts of the app with…


BlackBerry PlayBook Best Selling Tablet Last Week In Canada

The BlackBerry PlayBook is selling in Canada, enough to be the #1 Selling tablet at both Best Buy, and Future Shop. RIM let us know about the news earlier today and they also mentioned it on Twitter.  The combination of the PlayBook OS 2.0 update, and lower prices is driving consumers to get their hands…


Pader Sync Brings Their Mobile FTP Client to the PlayBook

Pader Sync has had a BlackBerry smartphone FTP and SSH client for awhile now but they have recently taken a stab at the PlayBook. Their latest offering is Mobile FTP which obviously allows you to connect to remote FTP servers including ones with SSL/TLS, Zlib compression, and other features. It also has some cool features…


BlackBerry Torch 9850 OS Found Online

Earlier this month we saw OS for the BlackBerry 9900 and now we have the OS leak for the 9850. We heard a rumor this maybe pushed out later by Verizon but if you can’t wait for that you can pick up the OS from the following link. Download OS From what we…


Free Offline Reader PlayBook App Downloads Websites for Later

There have been a few PlayBook apps that have done similar things in the past but this latest Android port works relatively well and is free. Offline Reader by Lightful Designs simply lets you punch in a website address and it will save it so you can read it when you are offline. It needs…


PlayBook Documents to Go 2.0 Change Log & Bluetooth Keyboard Shortcuts

When I asked RIM what they added in Documents to Go v2.0 that shipped with PlayBook OS 2.0 I did not get a straight answer. Thankfully Ty from RIM’s HelpBlog was more persistent and managed to get a high level change log for the new version. Some of the updates I already noticed but others…


Dungeon Scroll Word Based RPG Game Comes to the PlayBook

  Robinson Technologies has ported their popular word based RPG/Puzzle game, Dungeon Scroll, to the PlayBook. The game sort of uses words as weapons which is very creative and keeps drawing you in. You need longer words to deal with stronger foes with a sort of Scrabble style gameplay. Its a great way to pass…


bbFTP FTP Client for the BlackBerry PlayBook (Android Player)

I have seen a few sideload options for FTP on the PlayBook but JManso just ported their Android FTP client for the PlayBook. It lets you easily connect and transfer files between your PlayBook and the FTP server of your choice. It lets you browse the device on one side and the server on the…

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