9900 Bold

Giveaway: Win One of THREE T-Mobile BlackBerry Bold 9900 Devices From RIM & BerryReview

This is not a double post or mistake. If you’re still a little bummed out about the world not ending yet or not winning a shiny, new BlackBerry Bold 9900 in our giveaway earlier this month, this might help a bit. We have THREE more touchscreen, qwerty devices to give our awesome readers yet another…

BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS Officially Released by China Unicom

  BlackBerry Bold 9900 users just got a nice official OS bump thanks to China Unicom. Adam @CrackBerry noticed this new OS available though we don’t have a change log. If you want the latest official OS for your device pick it up below: BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS from BlackBerry.com Warning: This OS will…

Verizon Releases OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9930 & Torch 9850

Verizon as usual is late to the game for OS updates but this latest update thankfully brings them more than up to date. We now have OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9930 and BlackBerry Torch 9850. No word on what is new but definitely worth a download. Check them both out for download directly…

Giveaway! Limited Edition Official BlackBerry 9900 Hard Case Up For Grabs!

I mentioned in my post about the Consumer Forum that I snagged a sweet case to giveaway to our awesome readers. Well here it is! I have been using one of them for the past few days and I LOVE it. I’m usually not a case kind of guy but this one is great. It…

Heading To BlackBerry Jam? Get Your Wallpaper Here!

If you’re lucky enough to be going to BlackBerry Jam tomorrow, you’re gonna need some sleek and sexy wallpapers to jazz up your BlackBerry devices. If you’re not able to make it, I still highly recommend showing your BB pride and rockin these walls no matter where you are! Pootermobile has created some sweet wallpapers…

OS Leaked For The Bold 9900

Right on the heels of AT&T’s official release of OS comes this leak for the BlackBerry Bold 9900. The usual precautions apply. This is NOT an official OS release. Install at your own risk and see warning below for instructions and links to tutorials. Kudos to N4BB for the download link! Download OS…

AT&T Officially Releases OS for Bold 9900 & Curve 9360

Well the day has finally come for AT&T to update the OS on the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and Curve 9360. They have released OS for both devices just like they did for the Torch line earlier in the week. No word on what is new but definitely worth checking out. You can find OS…

Gold Accented Bold 9900 Limited Edition Pictures

As if winning Olympic gold in London wasn’t enough, RIM is further rewarding Olympic champions for their excellence with awesome limited edition gold Bold 9900 Smartphones. The guys over at Pocket-lint had the opportunity to check out the golden goodies and took some great pictures to share with all of us common folk. RIM took…

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