
Bolt Browser 1.62 Released – Behind the Scenes Improvements

Bitstream has released version 1.62 of the popular Bolt browser today. Supposedly the upgrades are all behind the scenes but the app does seem nice and zippy today. You should be prompted to download the new version when you open Bolt but if not it is also available at boltbrowser.com Thanks Morrison!


SmartWiFi Turns on WiFi Based on Cell Phone Tower Location

S4BB just released SmartWiFi which reminds me of Wifi Hero but it gives you another option. SmartWiFi remembers the cell tower you were connected to when you had WiFi and it will turn WiFi on when you are in range. It will also turn it off when you leave. The cool part is that you…


Griddler (AKA Nonograms) Logic Puzzle Game Released

Tafasa let us know that they have just released a new game called Griddler (also known as Nonograms). Griddlers are numbers based logic games kind of like Sudoku. You need to fill in the grid boxes with numbers. The game is pretty complicated to understand but you can find online Nonogram games on Google. I…


Planning on CES? Then check out CES Mobile – powered by Boopsie

I don’t about you but I have not missed CES in 7 years and as far as I’m concerned I’m in it for life (no parole). Whether you’re a rookie n00b or a veteran alumnus planning for CES or better yet planning your time at CES can drive you crazy then suck your soul right…


UberTwitter Beta 6 Released With Loads of New Features

Jenny let us know that UberTwitter has released Beta 6 of their popular Twitter application today. The new beta adds a ton of new features as you can see after the jump. You can pick up the new version at this link or read more about it at: www.ubertwitter.com Beta-6 feature list:


Add To Calendar & BBChecklist Released as Free Apps

Way back in 2007 BerryLogic released two commercial applications, Add To Calendar and BBChecklist, and then removed them from the market. The apps were pretty popular and I know many people who purchased Add To Calendar. Tashanna let me know that the developer recently posted on BBForums that he has recompiled both Add To Calendar…


Grooveshark BlackBerry App Beta With On Demand Streaming Music

Nick let me know that the popular Grooveshark service has released a BlackBerry app. The main catch is that it is in limited beta right now so it is only for VIP members who pay $3 a month. That kind of scared me off at first until I realized what Grooveshark offers quite a different…


nRange Golf GPS Turns Your BlackBerry Into a Rangefinder

I am always amazed at the wealth of golf apps for BlackBerry. The latest to hit my inbox is nRange Golf GPS which promises to replace your rangefinder. Inside the app you can download golf course content and get accurate yardages and aerial maps. It uses the GPS built into your BlackBerry to provide you…

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