Software Directory

Free AIO Remote for PC, Mac, Linux on BlackBerry 10 & PlayBook (Cascades/Built for BlackBerry)

I have been looking for a awesome native PC controller for my BlackBerry Z10 and Mackie pointed me towards AIO Remote. AIO Remote allows you to remote control your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer from your BlackBerry 10 device over WiFi or Bluetooth. My favorite part is that it is a native Cascades app AND…


Free Signal to the Stars Puzzle Game for BlackBerry 10 (Marmalade)

  Marmalade released a sweet BlackBerry 10 game earlier this month called Signal to the Stars. I though I posted about it but it looks like it got lost in the inter-web-ether. Either way Signal to the Stars is a fun yet challenging puzzler for BlackBerry 10. You just need to guide the spaceship with…


Free Alien Flow Reddit Client for BlackBerry 10 (Cascades)

  There are a few solid BlackBerry 10 Reddit clients but Alien Flow became my favorite when it launched yesterday. The app is native built on Cascades and offers you infinite scroll through your frontpage and subreddits. You also have the ability to upvote and downvote to your hearts content. There are some quirks to…


Delta Airlines Releases BlackBerry 10 "Fly Delta" App (Native)

Delta has jumped on board the BlackBerry 10 bandwagon with their native “Fly Delta” app. The app lets you easily find, compare, and buy flights from your phone. You can also use it to check in for flights and get your boarding pass via SMS including paying for checked luggage. That means you can check…


CBS Sports Releases BlackBerry 10 Native App

CBS Sports has released a jam packed native app for BlackBerry 10 devices. It is advertised as a “lightning fast” scores, stats and news source. The app also boasts a “one-screen design” so you can see the most games at a glance. I have to say, I do like the interface and the app is…


Free UFC App Released for BlackBerry 10 as Promised

BlackBerry’s partners for the BlackBerry 10 launch are following through with their app commitments with the latest being UFC. They have released a beautiful app that is free to use for most of the functions except for being able to view videos and live fights. If you have a UFC.TV account you can use it…


Foursquare for BlackBerry 10 Gets Lots of Goodies in v10.0.1.3486

Foursquare has given their BlackBerry 10 client a whopping update to v10.0.1.3486 over the weekend. This new update even includes a change log which is nice of them. The update adds some nice feature improvements along with bug fixes listed below: New in this update: Redesigned Explore: We’ve updated Explore to show you more recommendations…


BlackBerry 10 Dropbox and Client Get An Update

BlackBerry has updated their connector clients for and Dropbox today. The only downside is that unlike the historic Google Talk update these updates have no change log at all. I guess that is one step forward two steps back? Either way if you want to be on the latest and greatest then get them…

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