Ronen Halevy

Sprint Announces Free Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – Hopefully Coming to BlackBerry 10

Sprint has pretty shoddy coverage in many places so this is a welcome move. They have adopted a play out of T-Mobile’s handbook by rolling out unlimited free Wi-Fi calling. So far they have just confirmed it will be released “Soon” for the Samsung Galaxy Mega and Galaxy S4 but I am hoping BlackBerry 10…


Apple Discloses Security Encryption Flaw in iPhone, iPad, & Macs

Apple did not have a good weekend. They just disclosed a flaw in their implementation of SSL and TLS encryption that essentially is as bad as it gets. In their disclosure they said that “the software failed to validate the authenticity of the connection.” This vulnerability is a “fundamental bug in Apple’s SSL implementation” that…


Founders of WhatsApp Still Carry BlackBerrys “for Texting”

Facebook went out of their minds last week with their $19 billion purchase of WhatsApp. That valuation came out of left field for most. Now we are hearing more about the founders of WhatsApp and their plans for the company. Lucas @N4BB noticed an interesting little tidbit in an article in the NYT about the…


BES 10.2 Adds API For Automating Universal Device Service Tasks (UDS)

BlackBerry highlighted one of the items that will be covered in their free BlackBerry Virtual Jam Direct web conference next Wednesday. That conference is set to focus on developing for the enterprise and one of the key elements BlackBerry has added in BES 10.2 is the BlackBerry Wev services calls for UDS (Universal Device Service)…


Hub++ Adds Flip to Silence & Headless Optimizations

The popular BlackBerry 10 LED notification customization app Hub++ just got a nice update in BlackBerry World. The app was made headless in the past but now the app has had some optimizations to improve headless performance. They have also added the ability to flip the phone to silence if you wish. On top of…


BlackBerry Responds to US Air Force Replacing BlackBerrys with 5,000 iPhones

Yesterday the US Air Force was reported to have replaced 5,000 legacy BlackBerry phones for Apple iPhones. This is all part of an effort to move all Air Force phones to iPhones. Supposedly “In order to keep costs down and save on network resources, BlackBerrys will be turned in and shut off once the user…


BBM Getting “Stickers” Feature Soon – In Limited Beta Now

Its nice to see BlackBerry not sitting on their laurels with BBM. They just announced that Stickers are coming shortly to BBM and are currently in limited beta. This seems to be BlackBerry’s first attempt to monetize BBM and allows users to purchase sticker packs in collections of 20-25 that relate to a theme or…


Latest BlackBerry Q30 Windermere Concept Shows Potential

We told you earlier about the leaked BlackBerry Q30 Windermere developer device that was spotted online. Now quiestbml on CrackBerry forums has mocked up a concept of what such a device would look if it were a cleaned up production model instead of a developer prototype. Specifically he took in the new gesture keyboard along…

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