BlackBerry is slowly rolling out BlackBerry World v5.0.0.132 today. This new update brings some nice improvements with my favorite being search suggestions. Not sure why that took so long since they have it on the desktop site. Also added is a new Add Bookmark option to build download lists for later. ALso notable is more intuitive uninstall buttons on the details pages along with the obligatory performance and bug fixes.
Let us know when you get the update!
Derrick Not Registered
Posted: February 11, 2014 at 8:26 AM EST
One improvement that I hope this included was actually keeping your bookmarked apps/songs. Previously, if there were any BB World updates or if I installed a leak, all my bookmarked apps/songs would be gone.
ELLAS Not Registered
Posted: February 11, 2014 at 9:45 AM EST
Much needed update. Thanks,
lisa Not Registered
Posted: February 12, 2014 at 8:42 AM EST from my BlackBerry Q10 | OS
New update crashes calendar I can’t keep entries in my calendar I add them and go out go back in calendar is blank for the rest of the year this sucks as I rely on this feature for day to day activities and appts