Verizon Finally Killing Off Their Useless Branded App Stores in January

Verizon Logo

A few years back all of the carriers decided they needed their own app stores to compete with Apples iTunes. At first this seemed promising but mostly these app stores were just for suckers who didn’t know how to find lower priced alternatives like Mobihand (now defunct too) and then App World when it started taking off. Now we can finally start saying goodbye to this forced bloatware that Verizon preloaded on BlackBerrys with it all going away on January 2013. By March they plan on removing it from most devices.

Here is the announcement from Verizon. I am hoping AT&T follows suit shortly along with their 20 preloaded crapware homescreen icons. Maybe Verizon finally noticed that they provide no added benefit and are simply annoying?

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Just a stab in the dark here, but I’m guessing you don’t like the carrier app stores.
    Don’t hold back, say what you really think 😉


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