Devs: Submit A BB10 App, Trade Your Alpha Device In For A Limited-Edition BB10 Device At Release

This year’s BlackBerry World is very much geared toward selling developers on the BB10 platform. RIM is really throwing themselves at the feet of the developer community. Let’s face it, with the developers, BB10 goes nowhere, and RIM goes bye-bye. RIM. Needs. Developers. They absolutely have to secure buy-in on BB10, and they know it. Netflix, Skype, Slingbox, and other apps may not have been deemed important by RIM, but their consumers want them, and RIM is recognizing that. “The years of RIM ignoring its consumers are gone”, said a RIM staffer.

RIM is making “a concerted effort” to court developers and bring them on board. RIM has already offered free Alpha devices to entice developers to BB10, but Alec Saunders just sweetened the pot significantly. Any developer who submits an approved BB10 app will be asked to send in their Alpha device once BB10 devices are released publicly. In return, they will receive a limited-edition final-release BB10 device! How’s that for incentive?

*NOTE TO SELF: Learn how to code for BB10!


2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. its awesome !!! i like it !!!

  2. Ooh. I have a BB10 app ready to roll – there’s just nowhere to put it in the BB Vendor Portal yet 🙁

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