LittleBrother is a sweet free app from EmacBerry that keeps on getting better and better. At its core LittleBrother was intended to track your location without relying on GPS. Since then it has expanded to track your location or even do things like automatically send emails/SMS when you leave or return to a specific location. It can also do things like turn Wi-Fi on and off based on location which is pretty sweet. You can see the full feature list here.
With that said Matthias from EmacBerry let me know that he has added a slick new feature to LittleBrother. It now has the ability to automatically check you into Foursquare venues based on your location. It takes a bit of elbow grease to setup but Eric let me know that it works like a charm.
You can find the instructions for setting up LittleBrother with Foursquare at this link in the change log. Otherwise check out the app and download it directly from EmacBerry. Kudos to EmacBerry for making LittleBrother a sweet utility!