App World Hits Beta Zone with Speed & Performance Improvements

RIM has promised us App World v3.1 by December 15th so they are cutting things pretty close. They put App World 3.1 in the Beta Zone on the 5th of December and now on the 12th we have an update. The new version is App World v3.1.0.42 and focuses on Speed and Performance according to Jeff-G on their forums. You can find this new update in BlackBerry BetaZone by signing up or logging in to your existing account.  A list of the features of 3.1 after the break.

  • Gifting/Request a Gift – allows you to request that a friend or family member pay for any application within App World.
  • Content Rating – allows content providers to rate the maturity level of their content and for you to filter content based on their desired level
  • WiFi Only Support – will allow App World to still operate when a you only have a WiFi connection
  • New Language Support – Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Dutch
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