Looks like the Bold 9650 should be out soon and for those of you lucky enough to own one already here is a leaked OS V courtesy of BBleaks
You can pick up the OS at this link: http://www.multiupload.com/KBDQNE1K2F
To most this OS will not help much but maybe some of you that like to created hybrids this may give you something to keep you busy.
Warning: This OS will not install on any other BlackBerry besides the 9650 which is not officially available.
If you do not know how to upgrade your BlackBerry OS please start by reading this step by step guide.
Don’t forget to delete the vendor.xml file located in c:program files>common files>research in motion>apploader to install it on a different carriers device. Don’t forget our usual warnings: do not download and install these updates if you don’t know what you’re doing. Incorrect procedure or just bad luck could render your BlackBerry inoperative or unstable
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: May 12, 2010 at 11:14 AM EST
Downloading! I’m getting mine from work once it comes out. I know its just a slightly reved Tour, but the extra RAM makes it compatible with OS 6, so I’m really excited about that.