NOTE: THIS RELEASE IS NOT AN OFFICIAL RELEASE and is harder to install since RIM has removed the EXE file from the release! You also need to have OS install on your computer. So consider yourself warned!!!
This release has been a long time coming. The boys at BBOS just let the Storm OS out of the bag. This release brings camera and video camera support to the 5.0 OS fans. The release is hampered by the fact that RIM removed the EXE file but BBCrackman found a way to create an installer without it!
I am not even going to publish the download link since only the brave of heart should apply but you can find the details at this link on BBOS. MAKE SURE TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.
NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.
Keep the tips coming!
beb Not Registered
Posted: September 23, 2009 at 7:18 PM EST
I never installed .191 and it works just fine… I am on Verizon, what is everyone so worried about. it runs a tad slow some times, but no crashes, and noticeable increased download rates.
Angelo Not Registered
Posted: September 28, 2009 at 10:12 AM EST
Excelente Hibirido.. ME Corre a la perfeccion, es muy rapido con todas las aplicaciones en general.. lo recomiendo a todas las personas que tengan una Storm 9530..
13furthermores Not Registered
Posted: November 6, 2009 at 1:04 PM EST
I had no problems doing a clean install and did not have the 191 previously installed???