Theme Designer Spotlight: Ninja Themes


For those of you who follow him on Twitter, my good buddy Ninja (@ninja_says), is quite the entertainer. However, he’s not just a comedian…he’s a huge BlackBerry addict with awesome “skillz” in designing themes. Many of you know Ninja Themes, but for those of you who don’t or are just coming aboard the BlackBerry theme wagon, you may find this post helpful.


Simply put, Ninja Themes offers some of the best themes around. He pays very close attention to detail and you’ll find that any of his themes that you decide to download, will work like a pro.

What I really like about this designer is that he gives many of his themes away for free. And the one’s that aren’t, are very reasonably priced. Carbon Slick for example (shown right) is available for the 8900, 9000, 8520 & 9630 and my friends, is completely free.

screenshot_1-2There are several other styles of themes for a variety of BlackBerry devices. One of my favorite premium themes is Slyde (show left w/ weather icon) available for the 8900, 9000 & 9630, is rich, slick and extremely smooth running. It regularly costs only $2.99 but until August 31st, you can get this theme for just a buck. Not bad baby.

Also, a large portion of theme sale profits go to the SPCA/ASPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and I can’t think of a better way to treat your BlackBerry to a theme, while doing a good deed at the same time.

Ninja Themes (both free and premium) can be found at our Berryreview Store. Also, worth checking his new website out for details (see link above) on themes and any new ones that might be coming out. Great work Ninja…and keep’em coming!

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