I am totally in love with this latest theme design by ‘amusic’ (Music’s BlackBerry) called Snow Leopard.
Available for a variety of BlackBerry devices, Snow Leopard is just ‘da bomb!’ in Mac OS inspired themes. Smooth, crisp Mac icons and a home screen that animates between two gorgeous images when a message comes in…you simply cannot go wrong with sporting this theme on your Berry. I am currently using the Bold version now and I have a feeling this theme will be with me for a while (which says a lot since I change themes like the wind!).
From the description:
Apple Leopard is one of the coolest operating systems you can find on today’s market. The only thing better then the Apple Leopard is upcoming Snow Leopard. Now, even better thing is that you can have that awesome look on your BlackBerry before it’s even released. Theme features reflected icons; dock stays in place while you can change the backgrounds to whatever you like; user changeable icons; screen displays big X when call is missed or email is received. Theme is available for all BlackBerry Curve series (8300, 8310, 8320, 8330).
BlackBerry OS supported: 4.5. Enjoy another awesome release brought to you by Music’s BlackBerry.
Available for $6.99 at Themes4BB Store!