Premium PreBerry Theme Now for the Bold


You may remember a few weeks back we did a post about Sferical’s PreBerry Theme for the Storm. They got lots of requests to make it for more devices so they’ve been listening and created a version for the Bold (an 8900 version should be coming too).

PreBerry for the Bold, which I am playing with now, is all that I hoped it would be. The crisp, cleanliness of this theme is unmistakable. The (6) user customizable icons – (5) on the hidden flowing dock and (1) to the top right above that (your first 6 icons on the application screen) – along with the ‘options’ and ‘manage connections’ icons on the top right of the screen make this theme very functional as well as handsome.

PreBerry Bold, like it’s Storm version, is a very smooth and professional looking theme that shouldn’t disappoint you. More info is available (PreBerry costs $5.99) via our Berryreview Store.

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