Michael from BlackBerryThemes.Co.Uk, sent in 2 of his latest theme designs for the Blackberry Storm called; Blue Light Circle & Jewel. Blue Light Circle, show directly below features a rotary style icon bar centered nicely amongst a sharp abstract black background. A rich looking theme for your Storm.
Now comes Jewel, which is totally gorgeous. Strong, luminous images and icons that don’t fight what’s behind them…the overall theme looks really nice. But don’t take my word for it, go and test them for yourself. Both themes are free and available OTA at the links at BlackLightThemes.Com below.
b1gg13 Not Registered
Posted: May 18, 2009 at 12:38 PM EST
Nice work Michael. I like the Blue Light Circle one, will give it a try.
Michael Small Not Registered
Posted: May 18, 2009 at 12:48 PM EST
Thanks B1gg13
Enjoy !!!
I have already had a few emails on this one.
Before any one else sends me emails about the theme being made for 8220 i am in the process of doing theme for many other BlackBerry models.
As soon as they are completed they will be on my website in zip format and blacklightthemes.com in ota
Michael Small Not Registered
Posted: May 18, 2009 at 5:32 PM EST
I have just added both themes for the Bold to my website and blacklightthemes.com.
I will hopefully get more versions for the 8900 & 8220 up tommorow