I cannot take credit for finding this next theme designer on my own as it was due to the emkWAN Project that I even heard about the theme gurus at SixTenWebDesign. Thanks, emkWan! When I found their site, however, it was like finding a hidden treasure. Totally awesome themes for my Bold and for the 8900 lay awaiting my discovery!
My personal fave, ’cause I like some glitz in my themes, is RediPhone. 2 Layers of 6 user customizable icons each row, sharp and bright digital LED looking wallpaper with the neat ‘Today’ feature and an overall eye-popping design! The opposite in glitz, but no less in sleek design is BluePrint, which has a textured blue background and scratchy blueprint type icons. Definitely a unique and creative design. Both themes worked like a dream on my Bold.
Both themes are available for the 8900 & 9000 and there are several other theme designs to choose from as well. They are all free, and that’s pretty unbelievable as they could all easily be premium. You can tell lots of work went into these themes. So if you have some appreciation for what these designers are doing, go ahead and send them a donation. Links to a donation button and the themes can be found at SixTenWebDesign.Com!
SixTen Not Registered
Posted: April 15, 2009 at 3:51 PM EST
Hey! Thanks for reviewing our themes! It is good to see that our hard work is paying off. Great review! Thanks for the kind words, visit often to look for more great themes!
emkwan Not Registered
Posted: April 15, 2009 at 7:39 PM EST
hi berry review…
thank you for the mention and thank you to the guys at sixtenwebdesign for their excellent work on the themes… i look forward to mentioning there work again soon… keep up the good work guys!