This is a brand new launch. PocketMeeting is a dead simple web app for screen sharing, something that is also often marketed as “virtual meetings” because you can have a number of people congregate in a sort of “chat room” where everyone can view one same set of images and data on the screen, analogous to a projector or white board in a classroom. That’s also what you want to look for if you’re planning to give courses and lectures to people from all over the world on the Internet.
Their service is pay per use and doesn’t require any download or account setup. They advertise $5 for 24 hours of access, support for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari, security by encryption and a free trial. They also claim it will run on the BlackBerry Bold, but I still didn’t get a chance to test it on my Curve. Hopefully, older versions of the BlackBerry will be supported since there so many of them in use, the Bold is owned by just a fraction of the entire BlackBerry user base.

Albert Not Registered
Posted: April 14, 2009 at 2:12 PM EST
Just tried it out and it worked great, with about a 5 second delay. The only other question is whether at some point they’ll include voice as part of the presentation.
AgentScribe Not Registered
Posted: April 14, 2009 at 8:04 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8330
I could see myself using this. And, sans a monthly comittment, the price is attractive.