I don’t know how I feel about this. There are some definite pros and cons. Being able to text or call and arrange a hotel booking from 35’000 ft ;Pro. Having to listen to some loudmouth argue the finer points of last weekends football game ; Definite Con.
The sanctity of the airline cabin was just about the last mobile/cell phone free bastion left. Next they will be allowing them into….. ummm….. No, I can’t think of anywhere you can’t take one now 🙂
Courtesy; Intromobile.com (and my good friend, Pete, for the awesome picture he took earlier this week)
Via intomobile.com. “The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is now proposing that Australian airlines allow the use of mobile phones for domestic and international flights. The move would amend the current Mobile Phone Jammer Prohibition that would in-turn permit the use of pico cell technology used by in-flight mobile phone systems. Trials of the technology have been conducted and have been assessed as highly successful. No intereference complaints were reported.
Chris Chapman, chairman of ACMA noted: “Australia led the world when it trialled in-flight GSM mobile phone services in 2007…There is growing recognition by regulators worldwide that in-flight mobile phone services can be deployed without interference to existing telecommunications services.”
The ACMA is currently seeking public submissions on the proposed changes. Written submissions have to be received by the ACMA by November 17th… Look for news on the decision to come out late this year or in early 2009.”
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: October 16, 2008 at 3:56 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8830
Articles elsewhere report they are only allowing SMS and GPRS data, no GSM voice calling???