Google Maps 2.3.1 Released – Adds Street View & Walking Directions

I by chance decided to check on Google Maps for any update to the version I recently installed when reloading my device and found that there is a new version out for download, Version 2.3.1 has been released, which brings new updates such as Street View and Walking Directions. Apparently there is an improvement to My Location, I am yet to see this where I am.

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The clarity of the panning street view is better than I thought for a Mobile device, I never really faulted the newer BlackBerry devices for there quality screen and they are certainly proving themselves with this.

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You can find a short YouTube video on the updates here

You can pick up the latest version from Thanks to Paul for also sending this in!

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. what a bummer
    I have an 8320 that had ver 2.2.2 and voice search worked great…

    I upgraded to this version to get street level and now pushing the voice button goes straight to voice dialing….did voice search just go away?

  2. I never got the GMaps voice search to work on my 8320.

  3. Used to work great on mine with ver 2.2.2…
    I’m bummed now…

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