Today, RIM released BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.1 for Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 6 Maintenance Release 1. This release fixes a lot of issues plaguing BES, causing 100% CPU usage.
This is not just a useful release for administrators, but it also contains many bug fixes for end users, such as ability to send vcard attachments from Blackberry devices, or proper sent items icons on your device if you are using Outlook 2007 in cached mode (prior to fix, they show as received icon).
You can read more about it at: Release Notes for MR1 or grab a copy at Blackberry Downloads
Gareth Not Registered
Posted: September 18, 2008 at 12:30 AM EST from my BlackBerry 8100
Not available via standard Download link on Link is via bbuniverse. Public release will be in the next two weeks or so.