BlackBerry Made Simple Videos Now Available On Device

Tired of teaching your friends the simplest BlackBerry tricks? Pissed off at RIM for not providing a hardcopy manual? Are Stinsondog’s BlackBerry tips still going over their heads? BlackBerry Made Simple might just have a solution for you.

9000_vid_on_bbBlackBerry Made Simple just let me know that their entire library of videos (65 in total) is now available for watching on your BlackBerry. Before you had to watch the videos from your desktop but now you can actually watch them on the go from your 8100, 8300, & 8800. They even have training videos for the Bold already. I think some people will still prefer the convenience of their desktops but it is always good to have options. They might just have to watch the video on how to watch video on your BlackBerry first… 🙂 Just as an FYI the videos take up about 80-120Mb but the developers recommend a 1gb MicroSD card. They also have a batch uploader which will simplify the transfer of all the videos to your BlackBerry.

The plans for access are:

  • On device videos:
    • Starter Pack 25 videos – $19.99
    • Full Library 65 videos – $49.99
  • Computer viewing of videos
    • $9.99/user for a week
    • $49.99/user per year
  • Combo plan – Both computer and Device videos
    • $64.99

You can find out more details at

I have recently been recommending the BlackBerry Made Simple weekly or even yearly computer subscription for my richer technically challenged BlackBerry toting friends. Stinsondog’s tips is still my recommendation for my penny pinching friends. 🙂

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