Where To Find Free Themes For Your BlackBerry…

If you’re a theme lover like me than chances are you change your Blackberry theme fairly often, reluctant to commit to one particular theme simply because you can’t . And of late, the themes have been getting more and more creative and pleasing to the eye.


So I thought it would be nice to compile a list of online sites where you can find themes for most (if not all) Blackberry Devices. In most cases you’ll need to register at these sites to access themes but it’s free and easy.

Please note: These theme sites are not listed in any specific order and I certainly and most likely have not listed every theme site out there – but this can at least get you started. For any sites that aren’t listed here, please feel free to list them in the comments section!

1. Berryreview’s Theme Database – OK I have to mention our site first since my boss Ronen may fire me if I don’t (just kidding) but seriously we have a great section here that lists links to several themes that are free.

2. Themes4BB – A great site for free themes and lots of them! Big archive.

3. BlueRoomSolution – Another superb site for free themes. Lots of OS 4.5 themes.

4. eVeek – While they do have themes for sale, they also have several (and some of the nicest) themes for free

5. PimpMyBerry – I only  just found this site but already one of my faves.

6. BlackLightThemes – I found out about this site from my teammate, Nate. Some fine looking themes on this site which is growing every day.

7. NancyDrewThemes – Of course, she’s my fave. And majority of her free themes are archived at BlueRoomSolution (see #3 above) but I still enjoy perusing her website to see what’s up and coming.

8. BlackberryThemesUK – Our British friends know a thing or two about making themes.

9. Cherrichiodo – Lots of variety in theme styles here. Several of her themes are free.

10. Pinstack, BlackberryForums, Crackberry.com are just a few of the other sites where you can find free themes sent in by various members.

6 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. New original themes for 8300

  2. Don’t forget Viral Electronics!
    Gotta be close to a hundred, though just for Pearl and Curve.

  3. I also offer FREE BB themes on my site… check it out.
    http://www.justpeachieeBBthemes.com …. You can also find my themes on BlueRoomSolution.com and Themes4BB.com under Justpeachiee… 🙂 Tammy

  4. there are tons of things all related to blackberry on here


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