The BlackBerry weblog sites and forums have been running into overtime today. It looks like someone has let the cat out of the bag with a name to the face of the new BlackBerry 9000. (BGR seemed to be the first off the mark again… well done guys)
It seems the all new BlackBerry 9000 series will be called…’Bold’. It doesn’t really strike a chord with me.(It’s only one letter away from what’s happening on the top of my head 🙂 )
I ‘Googled’ the name and got 292 000 hits but it could be a trail to throw us all off a really cool name like ‘Avenger’ or ‘Raptor’.
So I suppose we will all find out at the start of WES or there abouts.
Any other suggestions for names? I think something a little on the rugged side of things. Drop your ideas in the comments section below.
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: May 10, 2008 at 1:16 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8830
What, mold? Dude, see a DOCTOR! 😉
Ja, ‘Bold, doesn’t “do it” for me either.
Greg Myers Not Registered
Posted: May 11, 2008 at 10:07 AM EST
Ha Ha Ha, 🙂
(‘Mold’ is spelt ‘Mould’ here) But bloody funny anyway.
Greg Myers Not Registered
Posted: May 11, 2008 at 10:14 AM EST
BTW, Have been informed that Kevin from CrackBerry has been the one for breaking most of 9000 (Bold…I can’t get used to that name yet) news. So thanks for everything mate…
Linda Hash Not Registered
Posted: September 8, 2008 at 4:50 AM EST from my BlackBerry 8320