It came away without a scratch! I cant count how many times I have dropped my previous BlackBerrys. my 8700 & 8800 were littered with scratches on the side. The 8800 was the worst when it came to dropping because it would scratch the chrome on the sides and just look ugly. The most durable BlackBerry I ever owned was my 7290. You could drop that 6 feet and it would not even skip a beat.
Everybody complained when the 8300 series came out that it was not as durable as previous devices. The argument was that it was a consumer device and not meant for rigorous use.
Today I learned to the contrary when my 8310 did not even get scratched when I dropped it 5 feet to the pavement. The rubber siding got a little dirt on it but nothing was worse for wear. I am curious to know if I am the only one who has experienced this?
PS: I still need to place an order for some Egrips to make sure I do not drop my device again.