Sadly my much loved BlackBerry 8310 rests at deaths door. The most knowledgeable technical support rep at AT&T told me to stop grieving and head on over to an AT&T corporate store and get a replacement. During the short 3 weeks that I had my 8310 it was my constant companion and source of joy. It hurts to so easily replace such a cherished friend with another…
Truthfully my 8310 succumbed to a bug that I have never even heard of. With no previous issues my 8310 just stopped working as a phone. If you tried to make or answer a phone call the volume went from silent to full blast every second. This meant that I could only hear every other second of a conversation. The worst part is this happened on the train to my in-laws on Thanksgiving. What was I to do on a 2 hour train ride without my dearest companion? It was a dark day.
Luckily I have learned from my past mistakes and always keep a backup BlackBerry device. My addiction has gotten to the point that I actually have 3 backup devices so that I will never be without . Since I was within my 30 days I received a brand new 8310 from AT&T but I could not imagine the headache if this happened a week later and I was out of the 30 day window.
Enough of my story lets get back to what is the latest and greatest. All of us here at BerryReview hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!