Internet Access On Planes? The Question Of How

JetblueblackberryplaneI know I have always wanted internet access on my flights. I also wouldn’t mind it on the subway and many other places. It turns out that there seems to be two trends of how to bring this to reality. The first involves allowing wireless data access over GSM or CDMA on the phone allowing for phone calls and data. The second solution is one like this recently announced product from Honeywell. It allows for WiFi internet access on the plane for WiFi enabled handhelds, laptops, & BlackBerry devices.

I kind of like the WiFi approach because I cannot imagine having to deal with a real estate agent yapping away on the phone near me. On the other hand they could tie down the GSM or CDMA connection to data only which would solve the calling problem. Don’t get me wrong even with WiFi there are already VOIP and UMA enabled handhelds that can make calls over WiFi. Also with regard to BlackBerry devices, WiFi functionality is not available for many 3rd party applications so many would not work until updated. Though that would probably change.

So I have to ask how would you like to see internet access enabled on airplanes? Or would you rather not see it at all?

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. That’s be nice since I deal will a lot of emailing…

  2. Data, yes. Voice or VOIP, no.

    Our culture is too rude and flight attendants will have no “power” to enforce any modicum of decorum for phone calls.

  3. I would rather not have any access at all, phone or data, and it’s not for fear of instrumentation interference or anything like that. When I travel for business, my travel time is perhaps my only down-time. I would much rather read a book, finish a crossword, or anything else than feel the need to check email or surf the internet. It gives me one last excuse to my paying masters and domestic masters to basically leave me the hell alone until I get to my destination. Even in business class, seats are just too close to drown out someone yapping right next to you. We have to draw a line somewhere between being productive and being addicted. Just my opinion.


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