The guys behind Photo Studio, KVAD Group, has just updated their popular photo app Photo Studio Pro to version With each update, they are making the application more and more worthwhile to get and this update is no exception. This update is available for free for both free and pro edition.
With this update, they have also released the PhotoStudio PRO edition for the BlackBerry PlayBook.
New features include:
- Color Splash is released for devices with touch screen
- Color Sketch effect added
- Picframes new features: swap and multiple photos
- Picframes (support portrait photos for OS6 and higher)
- Total performance optimization and bug-fix.
I’m not sure if they will extend the pro edition for PlayBook to those who have purchased the PhotoStudio directly from them for the BlackBerry Smartphone or from the AppWorld yet as I’m not seeing this on my end. Let us know if you see anything on this!
The PhotoStudio application is available as a Free version at the BlackBerry App World as well as a PRO version via the BlackBerry App World. It is also available (for BlackBerry Smartphones) at the BerryReview Store for $3.99.