We have previously covered iDapt’s chargers here on BerryReview. The i1 is iDapt’s portable charger.
- Description: Like the i4, the i1 Eco is all about interchangeable charging inserts on the device charging end. But on the power source end, the i1 can plug into a car lighter port or a regular outlet.
- Extra features: For those, like me, who are in constant fear of overcharging their device, the i1 Eco has an Auto Off feature that powers off the charger when the device is charged.
- Who it is designed for: For the constant traveler, the iDapt allows you to travel with one charging cable and a couple of interchangeable inserts instead of multiple charging cables. Also, as a practical matter, once the i1 Eco is plugged into a power source, it is much easier to replace the charging insert than it is to use a whole new cord.
Source: $24.99 at iDaptweb.com
Disclaimer: iDapt send a demo unit for purposes of this review.