I don’t know about you but the ad banner alone has me wishing I could squeeze my dog right now. Love Dogs (makes me think of that movie, Must Love Dogs) is the newest release by Walker Themes. Available for a variety of BlackBerry devices, this theme has a TON of features (listed below) not to mention it has adorable style. I personally can appreciate the unique screens and little customized accents. If you’re interested, head to the Berryreview Store where you can pick up this theme on sale for $4.59.
- 5 Cute Puppies to select to your homescreen
- ( Golden retriever, Dachshund, Pinschor, Papillon & Welsch Corgi )
- Press SPACE to show puppies selection
- Press ESCAPE to hide puppies selection
- 6 user defined icon on Homescreen ( Bouncing Effect )
- Custom Battery ( BONE )
- Custom Signal ( Dog Footprints )
- Fully customized icons ( clean and easy to recognise icon set )
- Wallpaper Friendly
- Custom backgrounds ( Application screen, Calling Screen, and Incoming Call screen )
- Fonts, menus, buttons, colors customized to match the puppies themes.
- High quality premium theme