I’m not sure what the folks at theme developer IDBERRY will think of next, but this latest concept is definitely something new and fresh in the way of themes. Pimp My Beetle, for Beetle car lovers of course, is a simple, high quality theme that allows users to change the color of the Beetle in about 7 different shades…each color by the way is very sharp and slick. I am kinda impressed with this theme not just because of the quality but also because it manages to stay simple and easy to use. I’m not a Beetle fan per se, but if I were…I’d be pimping this theme for sure. There are a few other themes of this nature, which IDBERRY calls ‘freestyle’ meaning you can really customize your home screen but out of all of them, I liked Pimp My Beetle the best. Available for a variety of BlackBerry devices for $5.99 until January 7th (then back to $6.99) at the Berryreview Store.
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