Elecite Releases Premium Scion Theme for the Bold

Our good friend Peter over at Elecite just let us know that they have taken their popular premium Scion theme that we already posted about back in September and created a version for the Blackberry Bold. Just as a refresher, Scion theme is made up of a rich brown ‘leatherish’ grain background with a black & white icon color scheme. On the main screen you have a dial of 11, user-customizable icons and a simple, neat top indicator bar along with time & date. Most of us know that Elecite’s theme are always extremely well executed and work like a charm but just to add my thoughts, I was able to test this theme on my Bold. It may be a little masculine for my taste but it looks and works just fab! Scion for the Bold (also available for 8100, 8300 & 8800 devices) is available for $6.99 at Elecite.Com.


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