BlackBerry Made Simple Books for Storm & Bold Now Available

BlackBerrymadesimple Gary from Made Simple Learning let me know that they have released their classic learning books for the BlackBerry Bold & Storm. These guys do the research into every feature available and list them in these 300+ page books along with over 1,000 screenshots. Right now, they are only available in eBook format, but they will be available in print on Amazon soon. Both will go for $20.99. They have a 10% off discount going until Feb 15th using the code “BF5176020A”

BlackBerry Storm Made Simple eBook >>>
BlackBerry Bold Made Simple eBook >>>

They are also starting to sell their training videos individually if you learn better visually. Check it all out at

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. So instead of reading the owners manual that is free and comes with the BlackBerry, lets go spend extra for a book that tells us the same thing.

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