"Tip Calculator" tag

Free Citysearch App Updated – Adds Tip Calculator & More

Citysearch let us know that they updated their app that we mentioned back in June. Their app which lets you search for local information now includes the following new key features with my favorite being a free tip calculator with bill splitting features. Instantly submit user reviews from a BlackBerry smartphone Browse Citysearch editorial picks…

BBTipCalc: Open Source Free Tip Calculator With Bill Splitting Feature

Earlier this week we let you know about the commercial Tip Calculator program. Some people complained about paying for a app that does simple math you can replicate in a spreadsheet. One of the commenters, Red Rover, actually took the words to heart and created a simple app called BBTipCalc which is an open source…

Tip Calculator Also Helps You Split The Bill – 30 Free Copies

Cleric Software let me know about their new application appropriately named Tip Calculator. The app simply helps you calculate tips which is quite useful. What really makes it stand out is that it helps you split the tip between up to 20 people along with the ability to change the rounding option. It even has…

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