T-Mobile Swapping Spectrum With Verizon for LTE Rollout
T-Mobile and Verizon came out today announcing that they have come to an agreement for swapping spectrum on the secondary market. This is all contingent based on Verizon’s dealings with SpectrumCo, Leap Wireless, and Cox and is dependent on those sales being approved. It gives T-Mobile some much needed AWS spectrum that they use and…
Great Analysis of Top US Carriers & Their LTE Spectrum Holdings
I have been meaning to do the research into the different 4G spectrum holdings of carriers in the US when AT&T clamored that they needed more spectrum in their bid for T-Mobile. When that deal fell through I shelved the story but I am glad to see that Brad Reed from Network World did the…
FCC Hopes To Free 500Mhz of Wireless Spectrum for Broadband
The FCC is gearing up for presenting their National Broadband Plan to Congress in March. In a speech this week chairman Julius Genachowski announced that the FCC plans on moving their plan forward by facilitating the release of 500Mhz of wireless spectrum for broadband. This is nowhere near what wireless carriers have asked for which…