BBM on BlackBerry 10 Built Using Cascades & BBM Social Platform Coming Too!
I dug a little further into the BlackBerry 10 Jam session catalog and ran into a bit of gold. RIM has already told us before that BlackBerry 10 will have BBM at launch. The thing is it seems like RIM has been running along and building it faster than expected. During BlackBerry 10 Jam on…
RIM Acquires Scoreloop Social Gaming Toolkit Developer
RIM’s acquisition train keeps on running strong. They just announced on their developer blog that they have acquired Scoreloop. If you have never heard of Scoreloop before then you are in the same boat with me. From my quick research is seems like they are not a game developer or publisher but rather provide a…
More Details on BlackBerry Social Platform Messenger API
At DevCon RIM let us know that they are working on releasing a new BlackBerry Social Platform which at its core with be a BlackBerry Messenger API. For years I have been waiting for RIM to do this and it looks like it is coming soon. I have this picture in my head of playing…