Over 130,000 Porsche Design P’9981 Devices Sold – Best Selling Item at Harrods in 2012
BlackBerry usually NEVER reveals their sales numbers for an individual device model but they made an exception this week with Porsche Design. The Porsche Design CEO, Dr. Juergen Gessler, went on stage at the launch part I attended tonight and confirmed that they have sold over 130,000 Porsche Design P’9981 devices. Juergen went on to…
Does BlackBerry Have 5-10 Million Unsold BlackBerry 10 Devices?
This wouldn’t be such bad news if BlackBerry was simply honest. A few analysts have been digging through the latest BlackBerry SEC filing and the results confirm some of their fears. Michael Blair over at SeekingAlpha has the best analysis in crunching the numbers but I will do my best to summarize them below. Either…
BlackBerry Has Increased Purchases of Components Due to Strong BlackBerry 10 Sales
Seeking Alpha posted a quick little tidbit we thought we’d share with you. It looks like sales are going great and now BlackBerry is buying more components for more devices. This is really great news, it shows BlackBerry Keeps Moving in the right direction. I’ll share the tidbit with you and let us know what…
BlackBerry Q10 Takes Top Selling Phone in France SFR 2 Weeks After Launch!
Seeking Alpha has a great article by Jean-Christophe Larsimont, about the BlackBerry Q10 sales based on a French Telecom company by the name of SFR that serves 21 MILLION customers as of last year and is the third most important company in France. The company allows users to view mobiles based on best selling and…
Analysts Agree BlackBerry Q10 Selling Well in Canada – Flawed Methods in UK
Last week I was chuckling when I read the latest analyst report from Deutsche Bank’s Brian Modoff about how BlackBerry sales in Canada were “positive” while running into a “tepid reception” in the UK. Personally I don’t give analysts reports much weight but at least they are mostly agreeing on Canada. What I truly found…
20% of BlackBerry World Purchases are Music
Now this is another interesting tidbit from a BlackBerry exec coming out of BlackBerry Live. TrustedReviews heard from Charlie Miller, BlackBerry’s Director of Alliances, that “20 per cent of overall purchases on BlackBerry World is music” he added: “That’s just music, not movie and TV and that’s a lot higher than some.” He went on…
BlackBerry Exec Says Internal BlackBerry 10 Sales Forecast Raised by 40%
BlackBerry has been telling us that sales of the BlackBerry Z10 have been better than they expected but now we have a few more stats thanks to Thorsten Heins and another BlackBerry exec. Sunil Dutt, Managing Director of BlackBerry India, told TheHinduBusinessLine that: “Our own internal forecast has been beefed up for BB10 devices by…
BlackBerry CEO Says BlackBerry 10 Sales Above Their “Ambitious” Expectations
There are quite a few people on the street wondering what BlackBerry’s CEO Thorsten Heins is going to say when they report earnings. Heins told a Spanish newspaper Expansion (via Bloomberg) today that “last month that sales have been above the Waterloo, Ontario-based company’s ambitious expectations and production has increased.” He also went on to…