"Pricing" tag

Updated BES10 Pricing & Free EZ Pass Migration Detailed by BlackBerry

We told you earlier that BlackBerry was going for the disruptive move with their updated BES 10 pricing and EZ Pass free migrations. Now BlackBerry has detailed out exactly what these new changes mean. First of all you can read all the details about migrating your licenses free from any other MDM or BES5 to…


BlackBerry Z30 On Bell Canada Will Be $699.95 Off Contract

As with most new smartphones Bell is going to be retailing the BlackBerry Z30 for $699.95 off contract. MobileSyrup caught that pricing along with an estimation of $149-$249 on contract pricing for the device. This is not unusual in terms of pricing but I was really hoping BlackBerry would go for lower price points to…


BlackBerry Q10 United States & United Kingdom Availability Details

BlackBerry has released some details to us about the availability and suggested pricing for the BlackBerry Q10 in the US and UK. The BlackBerry Q10 is priced so it can be available at a suggested retail price of $249 on contract in the US but carriers will confirm pricing closer to launch. BlackBerry expects the…


BlackBerry World Currency Exchange Rate Based Pricing Comes to India & South Africa

Recently BlackBerry introduced pricing tiers in BlackBerry World that finally take into account exchange rates. They started doing this with the British Pound (GPB) and Euro (EUR) currencies and now are ready to push onward. They announced new pricing tiers for India and South Africa after BlackBerry 10 just launched there. That means that the…


Z10 Pricing Revealed in Carphone Warehouse Database

The crew over at Endgadget jus posted this nice lil morning treat.  A snapshot of an inventory screen for what we know is Carphone Warehouse.  It looks like the Z10 off contract will be around £480, this converted in to USD is around $760. Pricing is one thing that has not  really been noted yet, but the rumour…


Possible Pricing, DLNA, Profiles, & Universal Search Shown Off in Leaked BlackBerry 10 Walkthrough

   Dan pointed out a few key items shown off in the latest walkthrough leak posted by the BGR. It shows off what looks like BlackBerry Profiles which users have come to love. We also see DLNA certificate support and Universal Search options which seems to search both on and off device with extended options….


EA Settles on $4.99 Price for Plants vs Zombies Internationally

I am not sure why EA and PopCap decided on starting off selling Plants vs Zombies for the PlayBook for different prices internationally but that has been reverted. We told you that EA was charging $6.99 in the US, Canada, & Japan and $4.99 everywhere else in the world. Now quite a few readers have…


Plants vs Zombies for PlayBook Priced Differently Based On Country?

Update: It looks like EA has settled on a $4.99 price point for all countries. Its nice to see that getting resolved. Lars pointed out to me an interesting conundrum about the recently released Plants vs Zombies for the PlayBook by PopCap Games (aka EA). When we first mentioned it we said that you could…

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