Free Multi Copy – Paste App Combines Multiple Clipboard Items
Jason let us know about another awesome free app from Amira Soft called Multi Copy – Paste. The app allows you to easily copy multiple items from different places and paste it all in one go. For people who find themselves copying multiple items into an email this is a godsend. The process has you:…
SmrtClipboard Clipboard Manager – 50% Off Today Only!
One of the new-ish Microsoft Office features was the clipboard manager that helps you copy multiple text areas to paste in different places. The BlackBerry OS only supports one item in your clipboard at a time which is where SmrtClipboard comes in.
Storm Copy & Paste Controls To Be Improved In Future OS
Our friends over at BBSync caught some pictures of an upcoming Storm OS. In the shots you can see a new copy/paste feature along with a more precise way to select text. No idea when this OS will leak with this feature but it looks pretty handy. Here is to hoping it leaks soon!