"Last.fm" tag

LPlayer Brings Last.fm Streaming to the BlackBerry PlayBook

The idiots at Last.fm killed off their BlackBerry app back in september of 2010. Since then nobody has really stepped up and released a 3rd party Last.fm client for BlackBerry especially since Last.fm now charges $3/month to use mobile apps. Still I know quite a few users who are pissed they cannot get their Last.fm…

7Digital Adds Last.fm Support to Their App

7Digital announced that they have added Last.fm features in their latest version 1.2 of their application. This new version allows users to scrobble played applications in real time. This gives Last.fm the ability to update a users song recommendations. It also updates the “Now Playing” status for a users on their Last.fm profile which is…

Last.FM Launches Free BlackBerry App

xjonx let us know that Last.FM has joined the mobile streaming radio fray with their own BlackBerry app. For those not familiar with Last.FM it is an internet website which claims to have over 30 million users. With this app available users have access to music from big name bands/artist to indie and smaller local…

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