Free PicStory Image Filtering App Updated With New UI & New Filters
The hugely popular PicStory image filtering and sharing app got a nice update to v4.0.1 recently. They announced the new features on their Facebook page when it launched in mid July but they have just put out a maintenance release to v4.0.1. This new update to v4.0 adds a whole new UI along with…
BlackBerry PlayBook TIFF File Viewer Now Available
We told you last week that Jon Web from Innovatology challenged himself to create a PlayBook app in 24 hours. That app is a TIFF file viewer and it is now available. In case you are not familiar with them Tiff images are complex usually large files that can contain multiple pages inside them. They…
ImageAirplay Sends Images from Your PlayBook to an Apple TV
I don’t have an Apple TV but this latest app from Mikko Haapoja (Dev of Tweedless & Panoramic) has definitely caught my attention. The app called ImageAirplay promises to let you Airplay images from your PlayBook to your Apple TV and view it on a larger screen. It works with the current 2nd Generation Apple…
PhotoStudio Photo Editor for BlackBerry Enters Public Beta
BerryBlow let us know about their latest creation that just entered public beta. The new PhotoStudio is a slick photo editor for BlackBerry smartphones. I have always thought that RIM should ship a decent photo editor with their devices but thankfully 3rd parties have been stepping in for them. PhotoStudio packs a whole slew of…
BlackBerry OS 6 Video Camera Scene Modes and Image Stabilization
One of the features RIM snuck into BlackBerry 6 was improving the video camera options along with the regular camera. While the camera has some easy to select scene modes the video camera hides them in the options menu for some reason. It also has image stabilization off by default on mine. I found the…
Bing for BlackBerry Updated With Four New Features
I am not sure how many of you use Bing for BlackBerry but Barrist let us know that it has been updated today. The new version brings four new features to the table that give Bing some features Google does not offer. I actually downloaded it to check it out! The new features include:
imgLite Allows You to Rotate Resize or Crop Pictures Before Sending
For some annoying reason RIM has yet to bake in image editing features into the BlackBerry OS. Don’t get me wrong when you send a picture it does offer you a few options to resize it and you could technically take a screenshot of a picture to crop it but these are hacks that are…
FileScout v1.7 Premium Adds Nice Image Viewer
FileScout is one of those apps I use practically every day on my BlackBerry. It started off as a donationware file manager for BlackBerry but with the newly released premium version they have thrown in quite a few ancillary features. The newer v1.7 adds a very nice image viewer with next and previous commands so…