"Headless" tag

Hub Integrated & Headless Apps Revealed in 10.2 SDK – Developers Must Apply for Access

Two of the features I have been really waiting for developers to get their hands on is headless apps and BlackBerry Hub integration. Both of them have been revealed in BlackBerry 10.2 though a few developers have been granted access to them in earlier OS builds. Now BlackBerry is asking developers to apply for access…

BlackBerry Discussing “New Background Services Framework” at BlackBerry Jam this Month

I continued digging through the BlackBerry Jam developer catalog for later this month and struck gold. I found that BlackBerry has a session dedicated to what they have been calling “headless apps” until now but now call their “Background Services Framework.” In a nutshell this framework will allow developers to run applications and processes in…

BlackBerry Shares Some Insight Into Upcoming "Headless Apps" On BlackBerry 10

  I was disappointed that BlackBerry did not manage to figure out “headless apps” in BlackBerry OS 10.1 but thankfully it is upcoming on their radar. In case you don’t know “headless apps” are apps that can run in the background without running as an active frame. That means you can have more than 8…

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