"Hackathon" tag

10 BlackBerry Developers Heading Up Kilimanjaro 10 Days Before Launch (Hackathon)

Now this is definitely one of the more crazy things for a BlackBerry 10 developer or RIM employee to do 10 days before the launch of BlackBerry 10. 10 developers will be trekking their way to the top of Kilimanjaro WHILE developing a charity application. While many of you may associate hackathons with RedBull this…

BlackBerry 10 “Live Port Challenge” @ AT&T Hackathon in Vegas This Week!

  One of my buddies at RIM let us know that they are taking part in RIM’s AT&T Developer Hackathon in Vegas this week. It will be taking place at the AT&T Dev Summit on Jan 5&6 in Vegas and will have over $50,000 in prizes up for grabs. If you are going to be…

BlackBerry Dev Hackathon Hits NYC October 19th-20th

  It is hard to believe that RIM held their first ever hackathon (if I remember correctly) in NYC for BBM a little over a year ago. That was a real turning point for RIM and it is quite amazing to see what they have accomplished since. Now they are bringing the challenge back this…

First BlackBerry Jam Sessions Hackathon Was in Brazil With More Coming Soon

  RIM mentioned at BlackBerry World that they have a whole new BlackBerry Jam Sessions idea for Hackathons and it looks like they are starting to roll out. They announced on the DevBlog that the first BlackBerry Jam Sessions hackathon happened in Recife, Brasil on August 25th with 80 developers creating apps. They have announced…

Register for “Porting webOS to BlackBerry WebWorks” Amsterdam Hackathon & Win Big! (Feb 6th)

BlackBerry DevCon Europe in Amsterdam starts on February 7th but ddluk let us know that there is a great hackathon before the event. They are organizing a Hackathon the day before DevCon Europe on “Porting HP webOS applications to BlackBerry WebWorks platform” now that HP has open sourced Enyo. The event is hosted by BlackBerry…

International BBM Hackathons in Bangkok, Amsterdam, & London This Month

  Back in September we told you about a bunch of the upcoming BBM Hackathons for developers. Then we did not have the dates and details on the international events and it turns out there are three this month starting tomorrow! Planning very far in advance, Luke just posted the dates on RIM’s developers blog:…

Devs Share Their Stories from BBM Hackathon Events on Video

  RIM started an interesting new video series on YouTube highlighting some developers that have attended their recent BBM Hackathons. The videos are done nicely and are interesting to watch if you want to gain some insight into why devs are attending the events. Check out the videos below or more in the BlackBerry YouTube…

RIM Throwing 9 More BBM Apps Hackathons Including International Cities!

  I was impressed by the first BBM Apps Hackathon RIM threw in NYC and they promised to have more. @AlexKinsella pointed out that they have followed up on that promise with the announcement of NINE new Hackathons in the US, Canada, and around the world. Here is a list of the events:

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