"Games & Fun" tag

PC World: Most of Missing BlackBerry 10 Top "Apps" are Games

I was reading an interesting non-scientific comparison PC Magazine did comparing the app stores on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, & Windows phone and it had me wondering. Why do people still use the word “App” to describe games? Is There a Difference Between Apps & Games in Mobile App Stores? Sascha Segan did an informal comparison…

Game: Doodle Jewels Lite and Premium For BlackBerry 10

The list of games for BlackBerry 10 keeps growing, one of the games that I came across is Doodle Jewels. The game is available both in a free lite version and a premium version for $2.99. The game has some cool looking animations, and giving it a little different twist. Game descriiption: Your goal is…

EA BlackBerry Smartphone & PlayBook Games 50% Off!

The discounts continue in App World with EA being the latest to join on board. They are offering 50% off 12 of their BlackBerry smartphone games and 4 of their PlayBook games. This includes top hits like Monopoly for smartphones and the PlayBook, Madden NFL 12, and more. Check out the full list of smartphone…

More Great Games Heading to the PlayBook

It seems Anders still has more in store for us PlayBook gamers!  Today he announced over twitter about some hot new titles coming soon to an AppWorld near you!  Some of the new games coming include 5 titles from Halfbrick such as Jetpack Joyride. We have SEGA dropping Sonic 4. And other titles such as …

Free Download Asphalt 6 Adrenaline and Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus

If you have not downloaded Asphalt 6 or Modern Combat 2 from Gameloft inc. then you are in luck, both games are showing as a FREE download in app world. The games have awesome graphics and multiplayer gaming that make the games much more fun. You can pick up the games at the following links:…

Developing Native Games with the BlackBerry NDK 2.0 Webcast Starting Now

  I am not sure how I missed this but BlackBerry LATAM (Latin America) is holding a webcast right now for the next 1.5 hours on Developing Native Games with the BlackBerry NDK 2.0. Definitely worth jumping on if you were considering developing games for the PlayBook. For those in LATAM they will also be…

Sweet “Earth and Legend” & “Crusade of Destiny” 3D PlayBook Games!

  DVide Arts Incorporated released two slick new PlayBook games today. The first is Crusade of Destiny which is a 3D RPG for the BlackBerry PlayBook pitting you against lots of foes on your crusade. It has a fun control set and lets you be either a warrior, archer, or mage. All in all a…

ShiVa 3D Game Engine Built on Marmalade Now Available

RIM mentioned that a new game engine is now available for the PlayBook. It is called ShiVa and is actually built on the Marmalade SDK for mobile ports. Their Mobile Application suite now works on the PlayBook due to the Marmalade port. A future update will soon have the ability to directly port to the…

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