FlashOn 2.0 Beta – Free BlackBerry Flashlight App
Now that we got the public service announcement out of the way I wanted to highlight the newer FlashOn 2.0.2 Beta I mentioned in that article. FlashOn is a FREE BlackBerry flashlight app and the new beta adds even more features for OS 5.0 and 6.0 devices. Features include: Front LED light (blue/white/orange/green/off) Camera LED…
PSA: Why Pay for a BlackBerry Flashlight App?
There are a few embarrassing faults in App World but the ones that really cut deep are the top ranked paid apps that make no sense. The top two offenders are “flashlight” apps and “memory” boosters/enhancers/megadupers. In this public service announcement I wanted to cover the former. WHY in the world is the top paid…
Free FlashOn Flashlight App from ShaoSoft
I am loving ShaoSoft today. They just released a FREE (like beer) application called FlashOn for BlackBerry. It uses the built in Camera/Video LED light to imitate a flashlight with just your BlackBerry. This is such a groundbreaking technology that some think it might actually be patentable. If you want a free flashlight application just…