"February" tag

February Rewards Contest BlackBerry Playbook Prize Winner is…

The much awaited launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook is almost upon us. We have been offering readers the chance to win a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate and all you had to do to enter was leave a comment or forum post while logged in….

Last Day to WIN a BlackBerry PlayBook in our Rewards Contest!

February truly flew by fast. Today is the last day with a BlackBerry PlayBook up for grabs in our February BerryReview Rewards Contest Redux. The contest is still going on with a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate as the prize. With all the news on…

Rewards Contest Reminder – Win a BlackBerry PlayBook!

February is really passing us by and we are getting closer and closer to the BlackBerry PlayBook launch which is promised in Q1 of this year. We wanted to remind you that our February BerryReview Rewards Contest Redux is coming to a close with a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or…

Rewards Contest Reminder – Win a BlackBerry PlayBook!

This is just a reminder that our February BerryReview Rewards Contest Redux is in full swing with a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate as the prize. The best part is that it is super easy to enter! Every comment, forum post, and tip submission you…

Rewards Contest Reminder – Win a BlackBerry PlayBook!

This is just a reminder that our February BerryReview Rewards Contest Redux is in full swing with a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate as the prize. The best part is that it is super easy to enter! Every comment, forum post, and tip submission you…

February Rewards Contest Redux – Win a BlackBerry PlayBook!

With the overwhelming response in our January Rewards Contest we couldn’t refuse when readers asked for a second chance to win a BlackBerry PlayBook. The winner was announced today for the January Rewards contest and the clock has started for the February Rewards contest with the same prize! We know that is what everybody has…

Rumor: BlackBerry PlayBook Launching in February?

The latest rumor to spin out for the PlayBook has it launching in February of 2011. Trinidad & Tabago’s TSTT’s Jay Alvi claims that RIM is planning on launching it then which Simon pointed out is during Mobile World Congress where Mike Lazaridis is delivering a keynote. This fits in with what I have heard…

Send A Tip And You Could Win $50!!! February Winner Announced

During these crazy economic times its a great time to reward readers for being part of the BerryReview community. Sending in tips helps us get the news to all the rest of our readers sooner rather than later. It also exposes applications and other interesting products that would have flown under the radar. Congratulations Phil…

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